Thursday, April 24, 2008


April 22, 2008 was a difficult day. The revelation that Senator Clinton would "obliterate" Iran if they attacked Israel only brought to light how inhuman a candidate can become in their zeal to secure their all important victory. How strange that the news media could continue to rehash the remarks of an angry black minister, as if the Reverend Wright was running for president. But very little was made about the "obliterate" remark. For myself, such a remark proves that Senator Clinton needs psychiatry, not the presidency. But I guess she really is ready from day one, to blow away some people to kingdom come. Was that why I have been banned from The Huffington Post?
I have been blogging comments on Huffington for the last five months. Although I do not use foul language, and have never attacked another blogger, for some strange reason I am now banned. Perhaps one of their moderators got tired of reading my criticisms of the candidates (I am after all, an advocate for peace and justice) and decided to rid their internet salon of my radical rantings. I say radical because the way the ball bounces in main stream media, if you so much as question our holy military policies, with attached armament industries, you must be a radical. The fact of being a peaceful person, who never advocates violence, does not make a bit of difference. To some in this society, thinking independently is considered a subversive act.
Perhaps the real reason I have been banned on The Huffington Post is because my last posting, I criticized the ownership class. Perhaps one of the Hufpo moderators read my remarks and thought: my God, that includes Ms. Stassinopoulos! Somebody better ban the bastard!
Part of what was written said: "The ownership class can play ideological games all they want. Those of us who do not own, have to live with the consequences. The indulgences of the privileged are always with us. This enables public money to be squandered on sports stadiums, bank bailouts, and of course the all time favorite: weapons!"
Is that why I was banned? Hard to believe that a person as insignificant as myself could warrant such a draconian option, but there it is.
I tried to contact Huffington Post to give me an explanation. Their response has been nothing. My comments before being banned can still be found on Google, at thebeerdoctor's huffington post profile. But there will be no more. Luckily, Newscloud, Truthdig and, still welcome my writing. As one kind friend wrote: "that's their loss, not yours". Thank you.


Justice said...

Hey there, beerdoctor. Just wanted to let you know that you're not alone. I was banned from HuffPo last week & have also received no reply to my email asking them for specifics.

I'm pretty sure I know which comment led to my being shunned, but I thought they could at least confirm my suspicions. Also, I haven't been able to find anything on HuffPo which mentions whether banning is permanent or not, so I asked about that too.

Anyway, I found your blog by doing a Google search for "Banned from Huffington Post" - turns out there are a lot of us. I was known as "GoreyFantod" on HuffPo.

P.S. I'm an unapologetic radical whose posts reflected that, so the paranoid in me wondered whether my banning was simply the best opportunity they had to get rid of me...

Kcg said...


It is indeed HP’s loss. I have noticed their reduction in quality writing and commenting. You are always welcome to write for us at We look forward to your insightful and eloquently written essays. Thank you for writing for us.

Sammie Jo Mitchell